Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ultimate Self Wedgie Is Self Awareness The Ultimate Destination Of Evolution?

Is self awareness the ultimate destination of evolution? - ultimate self wedgie

Is that the meaning of life on Earth and perhaps elsewhere in the universe?


Ysteban said...

To express this, its existence

The existence of a creator is to create
show without them as pure
but not yet reflected in the disclosure
A lack of awareness of their being deferred
The Creator must be based on the existence

The light is not visible if they are not reflected
empty space contains no light
Source can be seen in the dark
but you need someone who finds
in order to see the full light of the existence

The light reflected by the observation
to see what within the action
Awareness of the causes and independent
identify the source of light inside
Light is important to see - to develop

The creation is reflected in the unit
very basic level of manifestation
Although consciousness is a reflection of the light
Internal drives evolution towards common
conscious need for new measures

The increase is an essential part of any duration
a secret wishin collaboration with the original creators
After a long and dark, conscious ultimately reflects
variety of forms of human growth hormone
A creator of the show by their commitment

Everything is an expression of what the creation of the visible
willing to talk - as they become a
Requirement to recognize the real existence
has gone through a long path of evolution
Meet the designer to find

Need for expression eventually disappear
and search and search for meaning
Expression to be alive
respond by reflecting light
Mirror of Creation in the love

My words are said
meet all the characters
like a smile
in the air


15. 8. 99

Answerer said...


Denver23 said...

Yes to acknowledge that it was all a dream and laugh.

Buddhists call it the awaening, they begin to laugh.

What is before you is real, but there's more that you can not see any time that you understand the joke ......

Come on, what I mean (please, it's easy)

.... what with the thumbs down? never been a spiritual experience? Too stupid to have ideas?

remy said...

Because if you're really aware of yourself, you are also aware of the mysterious force that says: every heartbeat, every thought in your mind, Every Breath You Take ... What is the life force behind it?

GENE said...

John L., you're on a roll - another great p. .. Self-awareness is certainly solves many problems. If self-knowledge helps us more tolerant, (loving, productive, creative and patient and I think it does), then that is what we must fight. We will need much more cooperation from people on this planet, if we want to avoid a tragic end to human existence. I think the people in developing awareness in order to stop the barriers between themselves and others - will be better partners and employees more productive.

I can not even imagine what is our ultimate goal, that the potential is unlimited. There are many distractions and not everyone reads the same book. I think we are bringing in a long running, and there is no guarantee that the property is to save the day. Apart from the suffering, the best of humanity endless greed, hatred and war: it will continue.

The advantage to maintain an awareness of themselves, do not need a military forceYears of development go there.

hobo uprising in wachovia said...

could, if not disturbed

straykat... said...

Self-consciousness is not unique to humans, which seems to be the logical consequence of the development. The sensitivity can be a flashpoint in the knowledge that to take full control over the random mechanism of evolution and, eventually, control, intelligent key of all matter in the universe.

It is a firm desire to manipulate all forms of life to matter, to give more support and more life. From key to fish termites, and simple stone tools, until the technology that we will fight today, the employers' support to this strong desire.

More important than any objective "end" can change lives shape with a deeper meaning and purpose without end.

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