Is this my period or an indication of a problem? - my discharge looks like coffee grinds
I am 27 years old, has a son. I was just on it.
Ok, so my problem is that since September last year I have had irregular intervals. I went back and forth, from September to January, without spot or period. He saw the doctor and he prescribed the pills for 10 days and had my period 2 days later. I jumped the period from February to March is won, day for my normal 6th Nothing happened in April .. May and now I've noticed for the last 2 weeks. Now the discharge is brown, almost black with some red and black lumps on .. and what looks like coffee grounds things out of my vagina. Not a bad smell .. Just like the smell of iron. I've tried to make an appointment. and learned that 2 July on the day is only available. Inervous that this could be something serious. In January, the doc said my hormones were normal. Has anyone seen this before? I am sexually active with a guy.
Yep. This is normal. of black and the formation of blood clots is not what happens when the uterine lining, but the breaks not only no real time.
It seems that your time is a bit out of order, but even if hormones are very well happen. I myself, they do not bleed through the month for 3-6 months and then once I get a period when huge floods have clots and almost a week straight, then he went for a few months .. . Then there are the months that have a period every 28 days like clockwork too.
Do not worry, you're good, if not already in them, your doc will prescribe a pill, a little more regularly, but even that does not always help.(It's okay with me, although I like some time while I'm not pregnant and do: I) that every month, week!)
You could suffer from stress. Drink plenty of water regularly if the problem persists for the next now. You can contact me for the treatment
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